Connect Groups

We believe it is essential for every believer to be part of a small group of fellow believers who we can share openly with and who will encourage us, stand by us, and challenge us in our Faith journey. The following small groups are available for you to join.

Ladies Group

Thursdays at 10am at CFC
Contact: Dawn Belveal - 250.951.7504

Men's Group

Wednesdays at 6:30pm at CFC

Contact: Ron - 250.927.1533

Mom’s Connect

Mondays at 9am at CFC
Encouragement in faith and motherhood
Contact: Lauren - 250.720.1867

Jr. Youth 9-12

Meets twice monthly on Sundays

Contact: Derek - 250.618.7334 

Youth Group 13+

Meets twice monthly on Saturdays

Contact: Jessie - 778.584.0273

Parksville Home Group

Sam & Jessica McGrew Tuesdays at 7pm

279 Crabapple Crescent, Parksville

Contact: Sam - 250.882.9851


Grief recovery support group.

See for more information on the program details
Contact: Joe and Penny 778.424.9879

Gatekeepers Prayerwalk

Wednesdays @ 10:00 (locations change weekly)
Contact: Tammy Roy - 250.240.0103

Divorce Care

Stay tuned for future events
Contact: Bettina Beaven - 250.951.7699

Build meaningful friendships, grow, and be encouraged in your faith